- Expert Advisor in International Trade and Investment Disputes issues.
With special expertise in:
- Trade Defence Measures: Extensive theoretical and practical experience in the analysis and investigation leading to the imposition of antidumping and countervailing duties and safeguard measures. Determination of the injury to the domestic industry. Dispute settlement issues.
- Investment Disputes. Experience in conciliation and arbitration of investment disputes between states and investors in the context of the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (ICSID Convention), the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
- Legal Historian. Tenured Lecturer at the University of Buenos Aires, Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales and Universidad Abierta Interamericana (Argentina). Researcher at the University of Buenos Aires and Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho.
- PhD in Law, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1996.
- Specialisation in Family Law, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1986.
- Law Degree. School of Law, University of Buenos Aires. 1982.
- 2007- present
Legal advisor at Procuración del Tesoro de la Nación
Member of the Argentine Republic’s defence team in ICSID, UNCITRAL and ICC proceedings between states and investors.
- 2002 – present
Member and Associate Consultant at INTEGRAL – Center of Studies on Economic Integration and International Trade (Argentina and the USA)
Lecturer for the International Negotiation Skills Courses, organised in collaboration with the Summit of the Americas Center, LACC, Florida International University.
Lecturer for the Anti-dumping and Subsidies Commission, Jamaica.
- 1995 – 2007
Coordinator of the Trade Regulations Office.
National Commission of Foreign Trade, Secretariat of Industry, Trade and Mining. Ministry of Economy, Argentina.
1984- Present Professor of Legal History at the School of Law, University of Buenos Aires. Argentina.
2008- Present Visiting professor, International Business Law, Master of Arts, International Business. Fachhochschule Mainz, University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
2010 Visiting professor, International Business Law, B.A. Diploma, Fachhochschule Augsburg, University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
2005- Present Director of the Master’s Degree in International Business, Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales, Argentina.
2010- Present Director of the Binational Master’s Degree in International Business. Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales (Argentina)- Hochschule Mainz, University of Applied Sciences (Germany).
2010- Present Academic Secretary at the PhD Course in Law, Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales, Argentina.
2009 Professor at the PhD Course in Law, Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales, Argentina.
1995-2005 Visiting professor at PhD courses at Universidad Estacio de Sa (Rio de Janeiro), Universidad Presidente Alberto Campos (Barbacena. Minas Gerais) and Universidad del Sur del Estado de Santa Catalina (Tubarao), Brazil.
Professor at the Master’s Degree, PhD, graduate and posgraduate programmes at the School of Economics, School of Law (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina), University of San Andrés (Argentina) and Universidad del Museo Social Argentino (Argentina), among others.
- Lectures on unfair practices in international trade, World Trade Organization and Dispute Settlement at the University of Buenos Aires, Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales, Universidad de Belgrano, BAIREXPORT, Di Tella University, Rosario University, Córdoba University, Rafaela Chamber of Commerce, Cema University, Universidad del Congreso, among many other commercial chambers and official and private institutions.
- Lectures on legal history topics at universities, academic and official and private institutions.
- Lectures on unfair practices in international trade, World Trade Organization and Dispute Settlement in the USA, Brazil, Germany, Romania, Bolivia, Peru, etc.
- Lectures on legal history topics in Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Hungary, Brazil, the USA, Chile, Germany, Israel, Slovakia, etc.
- Books, chapters in books, contributions to Encyclopedias and around 60 articles in leading journals -such as the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and the Journal of the European Society for Comparative Legal History- on international trade and legal history, in Argentina, the UK, Spain, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Hungary, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Chile and Brazil.
Subjects: Law and Economics, international trade, good faith in law, mediation, derecho indiano, history of administration of justice, history of family and gender, history of legal education, Argentine legal culture, research in legal history, etc.
· Director of Ratio Iuris. Revista de Derecho Privado.
· Secretary of the Board of Editors. Revista de Historia del Derecho.
· Advisor of the PhD and Master’s degree thesis in Argentina and Germany.
- Member of the Board of Examiners of the Master’s degree and PhD thesis.
- Evaluator of research projects in Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Germany, etc.
- Referee of articles in international journals.
· Member of the Board of Directors of the Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho.
- Spanish: Mother tongue
- English: Fluent in reading-writing-speaking.
- Italian: Fluent in reading-writing-speaking.
- Portuguese: Fluent in reading- writing-speaking.
- Hebrew: Fluent in reading-writing-speaking.